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Thread: Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

  1. #1 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar

    Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

    Guerilla games a anuntat o franciza noua la E3 in cadrul conferintei Sony. Primul joc din serie se numeste Horizon: Zero Dawn. Jocul este exclusiv PS4.

    Attached Images Attached Images screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.20.14.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.17.14.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.16.27.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.15.25.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.14.38.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.16.36.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.16.13.png screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.14.49.png

  2. #2 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Foarte impresionat, speram sa vad si o data de lansare, dar merge si asa.

  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Superb, am înțeles ca au fost ajutați de câțiva băieți care s-au ocupat de Witcher 3

    LE: 2016, a spus un tip de la Guerilla la emisiunea lui Geoff Keighley de pe YT

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    cateva imagini, superb

    Horizon Zero Dawn is scheduled for a 2016 release, and we’ll have additional details for you in the coming months. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest news! In the meantime, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments belo
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  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Love at first sight . Abia astept, pentru jocul asta portofelu meu nu o sa planga, momentan.

  6. #6 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ma duce cu gandul la ceva intre Enslaved si Witcher 3

  7. #7 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    E superb si asta, fresh IP's sunt binevenite oricand

  8. #8 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Melodia e deosebita, stie careva cine e compozitorul/interpreta sau o fi compusa special pt jocul asta?

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ma asteptam eu sa coaca Guerilla ceva, ca prea n-au mai venit cu nimic lately... Si asteptarea a fost rasplatita pentru ca jocul arata fenomenal. Sau in fine, cel putin ce am vazut noi la E3.

  10. #10 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Câteodată ai un stil ciudat de a împacheta lucrurile bune venite de la Sony, vezi sa nu te trimită Ochi de Vultur la...

  11. #11 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Stiu, am rezervare deja la Vaslui... Dar nu inteleg, ca am zis de bine! E DE BINE!!! Imi place Horizon Zero Dawn!
    Cand am zis ca n-au mai venit cu nimic lately... m-am gandit ca totusi Killzone Shadow Fall a iesit in 2013 (si m-a plictisit maxim, nu stiu de ce n-am reusit niciodata sa joc mai mult de 15 minute in jocul ala)... deci au avut suficient timp sa puna la cale ceva bun. Parerea mea (care este). Hai Vasluiul!

  12. #12 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Dă-l dracu de Killzone, mi s-a luat. Până la urma e adevărata faza cu ajutorul primit de la câțiva oameni de la CD Project Red? Eu sper ca da

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    pare interesant.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Dă-l dracu de Killzone, mi s-a luat. Până la urma e adevărata faza cu ajutorul primit de la câțiva oameni de la CD Project Red? Eu sper ca da
    la cum arata environmentul la joc se vede mana unor oameni de la CD Project Red.

  15. #15 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    tipa imi aduce aminte si imi provoaca un dor nebun de
    Attached Images Attached Images vikings-uk-invasion.jpg

  16. #16 SP
    Member Wagram's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    E DE BINE!!! Imi place Horizon Zero Dawn!
    Au avut suficient timp sa puna la cale ceva bun. Hai Vasluiul!
    Roger, tragem tare să-l lansăm de sărbători.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

  18. #18 SP
    Member cyrax's Avatar
    Imi place ce vad. Si pe mine tot cu gandul la enslaved m-a dus un joc care dealtfel mi-a placut enorm. Brave + Enslaved + The Witcher

  19. #19 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Ceva deosebit

  20. #20 SP
    Member flames95's Avatar
    Guerrilla Games‘ new IP has finally been unveiled during Sony’s E3 2015 Press Conference last night. The early rumors by Shinobi turned out to be true: Horizon is an open world action RPG with lush forests and “robot dinos”, starring a red-headed female character named Aloy; it’s now targeting 2016 though, so it slipped a bit from the previous fall 2015 target mentioned by the insider.
    Hermen Hulst, Managing Director of the Dutch studio, spoke with Geoff Keighley in a
    that sheds some more light on the game. For starters, Horizon was chosen amidst a sea of pitches:
    After we wrapped up Killzone 3, we did the full rounds and talked to everybody at the studio. We got 40-50 pitches in and this is built on one pitch, with lots of elements from other pitches.
    You play as Aloy: she’s our lead character and part of a relatively primitive tribe, obviously you’re outgunned against these machines and you’re going to have to prepare, to be smart before, during and after combat. There’s stealth, you can set up traps, you’re going to be very agile (dodge/roll), you’re going to do everything in your power to take on these massive machines.
    We’ll talk about the RPG elements later – you saw today that there’s obviously a loot based system, so you can harvest these resources from the machines that you can then use to craft new ammo, weaponry and other things.
    Hulst also explained that the game isn’t post-apocalyptic in the traditional sense:
    The setting of this game is kind of post-post-apocalyptic, there’s been an apocalypse but we’ve moved on about a thousand years. Here’s the twist, humans are no longer the dominant species, the machines now roam this land. Initially, as Aloy, you do not understand why you’re here, what these machines are, what they’re doing and how you relate to them, so we’re taking you on a journey to uncover these massive mysteries.

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