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Thread: Star Wars Outlaws

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Star Wars Outlaws

    Ubisoft, prin Massive Entertainment, dezvolta un nou joc open-world Star Wars:
    Quote Originally Posted by WIRED
    TODAY, LUCASFILM GAMES announced that it’s entering a partnership with Ubisoft to create an open-world Star Wars game. The title will be developed by Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment, marking the first time that a company outside of EA has produced a Star Wars game since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, ending nearly eight years of exclusivity.

    Let’s start with Star Wars. Development on this new title is still very early—Massive is still recruiting for the project even—so details are sparse. Julian Gerighty, director of The Division 2 and The Crew, will serve as the game’s creative director, and the title will use Massive’s Snowdrop engine. Beyond that, Lucasfilm Games hasn’t revealed anything about the characters or settings within the Star Wars universe that the game will feature.

    This announcement follows yesterday’s news that Lucasfilm is partnering with Bethesda to create an Indiana Jones title, the first non-Star Wars AAA game out of Lucasfilm in years. The move marks a seismic shift for Lucasfilm’s approach to gaming, widening the tent for developers that want to create games using Lucasfilm franchises, particularly in the Star Wars universe.

    While EA had previously suggested that the company would have exclusivity on Star Wars games for 10 years, it seems like either that was misstated or the clock has run out early. (Lucasfilm would not confirm for WIRED either way.) Regardless, EA will keep making games in the future, but Lucasfilm Games is free to seek other partners.

    “EA has been and will continue to be a very strategic and important partner for us now and going forward,” Sean Shoptaw, senior vice president of Global Games and Interactive Experiences at Disney, told WIRED. “But we did feel like there's room for others.”

    “The Star Wars galaxy is an amazing source of motivation for our teams to innovate and push the boundaries of our medium. Building new worlds, characters and stories that will become lasting parts of the Star Wars lore is an incredible opportunity for us, and we are excited to have our Ubisoft Massive studio working closely with Lucasfilm Games to create an original Star Wars adventure that is different from anything that has been done before.”
    Lucasfilm Games' New Partnerships Mean the Galaxy's the Limit | WIRED
    Attached Images Attached Images helix_announcement_static_1920x1080_alt_01_legal_v6.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Wow...that's BIG

  3. #3 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar

    Nu am mari sperante...

  4. #4 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Suna bine de tot. Chiar era timpul unei schimbari in universul jocurilor Star Wars. BFR1/2 si Fallen Order au fost dezamagitoare dpmdv.

    Cat timp e vorba de lumi open, aprob pozitiv. Genul de jocuri croite fix pentru sufletul meu. Acum tot ce mi-as dori, ar fi ca sa apara in decurs de cativa ani, nu peste 7-8.

  5. #5 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Pai o sa fie cam ce vedeti in oricare Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs sau Far Cry: obiective secundare fara sens, turnuri pe care sa te cateri, chestii de colectat, o drona care sa vada chestii de colectat la infinit, armuri si sabii ca microtranzactii, DLC-uri si expansionuri fara numar.

    Adica tot ca un joc facut de EA, dar cu turnuri.

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Star Wars Outlaws:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ubisoft
    Experience the first-ever open world Star Wars™ game, set between the events ofThe Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

    Explore distinct planets across the galaxy, both iconic and new.

    Risk it all as Kay Vess, an emerging scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix.

    Fight, steal, and outwit your way through the galaxy’s crime syndicates as you join the galaxy’s most wanted.

    PS5, XS, PC.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Cel mai fain anunt de aseara pentru mine, in special pentru ca vom vedea gameplay azi la Ubisoft Forward.
    Sper sa nu vad nicio urma de live-service sau multiplayer pe acolo.

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Gameplay walkthrough:

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hai că nu arată deloc rău!

  10. #10 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cred ca lumea stie deja asta, dar o tot spun - nu sunt deloc fan al universului sau al filmelor/serialelor - dar jocul asta arata incredibil de bine si sunt super excited sa pun mana pe el.

    Imi place directia lor, focusata pe primele filme din serie si cu actiune prin anii 80, mai degraba decat ceva mai recent cum avem de la EA si e foarte tare implicarea atator studiouri, atat Ubisoft (cred ca sunt toate, dar inclusiv Bucuresti), dar nu numai

  11. #11 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Confirm ca Bucuresti e involved

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Bravo Ubisoft!
    Cea mai mare surpriza pentru mine, sper doar sa nu aiba elemente de live-service.

  13. #13 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Wow, dupa ce am avut Playstation Showcase, Summer Game Fest, Xbox Showcase si Ubi Forward, doar 2-3 jocuri m-au impresionat, iar asta e unul din ele.
    Gameplay trailer-ul e perfect, primul gand ma duce evident la un Star Wars Jedi open world, foarte bine pus la punct, si, din fericire, nu pare sa aiba amprenta Ubisoft. M-am temut ca o sa fie un reskin cu mecanici de AC si Far Cry, dar se prezinta foarte bine.
    Sper ca Massive Entertainment AB sa faca treaba buna. Atat studioul cat si engine-ul grafic (Snowdrop) sunt cunoscute prin Tom Clancy's The Division 1 & 2, jocuri pe care inca nu am apucat sa le joc, asa ca nu stiu daca e bine sau rau, dar imi place ce vad.

    Am vazut ca e mult hate din cauza ca protagonista e de sex feminin, si pare ca va fi singura alegere.
    Chiar nu inteleg de ce ar deranja asta, mie mi se pare super misto tipa, aduce foarte mult a 80s Sigourney Weaver heroine style, I love it.
    De fapt tot vibe-ul e ca si cum jocul e un sci-fi facut in anii 80, nu in prezent, ceea ce il ancoreaza si mai bine in timeline-ul Star Wars.

    Dar pana mai apare e cale lunga, si probabil rost de cateva amanari.
    Sper ca vor urma directia EA si vor face un joc pur SP, fara microtranzactii, fara season pass si alte mizerii, dar vorbim de Ubisoft...

  14. #14 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Jocul pare fain dar chiar orice joc, film nou trebuie sa aiba "The Strong Female Character" ? Acelasi personaj feminin superficial unde vor sa arate femeia perfecta, puternica fara nici o vulnerabilitate.

    Why Modern Movies Suck - The Strong Female Character

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Nu știu ce aveți unii cu femeile, in filme sau fie in jocuri sunt doar personaje fictive si pot avea si flăcări care ies din urechi dacă asa vrea producătorul!! Si zici mai nou? Pai o vem pe Lara Croft de 30 de ani!!

  16. #16 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Crafting a Galaxy of Opportunity:
    Discover exclusive behind-the-scenes footage to see how we've built iconic and new locations in this open-world experience.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

  18. #18 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Pai am inteles ca a fost amanat Skull & Bones, probabil despre ala sa fie vb.

  19. #19 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Poate fi unu din 3 jocuri - Avatar, Skull and Bones sau Star Wars. O sa vedem cand anunta oficial - momentan sunt doar supozitii si articole de umplutura, menite doar sa faca trafic pe fiecare site.

    Din partea mea, sa amane orice, cat timp nu anuleaza. Prefer sa iasa mai tarziu si mai bun, mai ales dupa anu asta incredibil de plin de jocuri excelente si backlog-ul meu este imens momentan.

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Skull and Bones a fost confirmat deja ca amanat, mai este un "large game" care nu s-a confirmat inca: .
    Avatar se lanseaza peste doar o luna si cateva zile, daca ar fi fost vorba de el cred ca ar fi anuntat direct amanarea.

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