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Thread: Black Myth: Wukong

  1. #1 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar

    Black Myth: Wukong

    Cât de bine arată jocul ăsta! O surprizā Made în China (plăcută, să sperăm).

    Attached Images Attached Images black-myth-wu-kong-feature.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Am modificat.

    Cand mai faceti threaduri, da-ti cat mai multe detalii, folositi versiunea "" (incarca HTML5) a videoului (in caz ca nu il afiseaza, folositi "Insert Video"), atasati macar o poza si puneti tag-uri.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gematsu
    —How long is the game and will there will be more heroes or an online mode?

    Game Science: “Currently no comment on this. What weighs on our minds the most is that [studio head and game director] Yocar really loves playing console action games full of tangible and solid stories, variations of jobs / weapons experience, and support for an online co-op mode…”

    —When will the game release?

    Game Science: “While we will not necessarily need 500 years finish (Editor’s Note: This is a reference to Journey to the West, in which the Monkey King was imprisoned beneath Wu Zhi Shan mountain for 500 years), we will ship it only when we feel satisfied as players. But we will also consider performance and cost ratio, as well as marginal effect. After all, more works in the Black Myth series are in serious planning (in our dreams).”
    Journey to the West-themed action RPG Black Myth: Wu Kong announced for consoles, PC - Gematsu
    Scenery footage:
    Attached Images Attached Images black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_001.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_002.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_003.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_004.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_005.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_006.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_007.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_008.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_009.jpg black-myth-wu-kong_2020_08-20-20_010.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    Arat-a spectaculo-s! Dar rulea-za pe PC.

    Next-gen graphics, in sfarsit! Texturi si lumina. Daca le ai pe astea, jocul va arata bine.

  4. #4 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Nu am mai fost asa impresionat de un joc la first look de mult timp.

  5. #5 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    Black Myth: Wu Kong

    Intr-adevar, arata foarte bine si are animatii foarte misto.
    Acum astept cu interes mai multe detalii, precum si daca va iesi si pe console sau nu.

    LE: acum am vazut ce au postat ei pe facebook:

    Here some key visual, screenshots, character artwork, and concept art of the《Black Myth Wu Kong》, its' newly announced Journey to the West-themed single-player action RPG for “all mainstream consoles and PC.”

  6. #6 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Du-te ba...incredibil. As da si 1000$ pe el! O MIE.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    L-am trecut pe lista in Google Keep ca nu exista pe Steam inca. Arata fabulos acel lup/varcolac. Animatii, iluminare, tot tacamul.

    Sper sa nu iasa in 2022.

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Twitter thread al unui analist al pietei asiatice:
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Ahmad
    Going to do a quick thread on this game and the studio behind it. For those interested and for those writing about it.

    - The developer is Game Science Studio which was founded in June 2014 by ex Tencent Games staff.

    - Here is their site- 游戏科学 Game Science

    - Prior to the studio founding, some of the staff worked at Tencent's Quantum studio on a game called 'Asura'.

    - This was essentially a Journey to the West themed MMORPG for PC that aimed to become a hit for the company.

    - Ultimately it ended up underperforming.

    - Some devs that worked on Asura left Tencent to form Game Science Studio in June 2014. The studio currently has locations in Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

    - They first worked on a F2P mobile RPG / Card game called 100 Heroes that was published by NetEase in 2015.

    - Their 2nd game was Art of War: Red Tides, a F2P multiplayer strategy game that launched on PC and Mobile. First on PC in 2016 and then on mobile in 2017, published by Hero Interactive.

    - The company has also been working on a successor for this game, but it's under wraps right now

    - At the end of 2017 they started to note that conditions were right for Chinese developers to enter the premium games market as platforms like Steam had become popular.

    - They looked to create a premium AAA style game that could usher in a new era of premium Chinese games.

    - Hangzhou was chosen as the new location for a studio focusing on premium games, while Shenzhen focused on existing mobile / PC F2P game projects.

    - Drawing inspiration from Asura, the game they worked on at Tencent, they started work on a new game based on Journey to the West

    - Has been more than 2 years since planning and development started. Originally with 13 devs in the first year and ramping up to around 30 this year.

    - They played games such as God of War, Monster Hunter World and Sekiro during development, learning from each title.

    - The gameplay demo showcased today is the result of 2+ years of development, learning UE4, implementing new processes.

    - It is still far from completion and the aim now is to perfect what they have been able to showcase across a full length game that is worth the asking price.

    - The team is currently hiring 19 new devs and will probably hire more after too.

    - My personal estimate is that this game is still 2+ years out minimum.

    - The studio will probably look for funding / publishers to work with too.

    Hopefully it's a success!
    Daniel Ahmad on Twitter
    Attached Images Attached Images ef1d-i0woaidxxp.jpg

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mda, deci asta e tot ce au momentan iar ce au de facut de acum incolo este efectiv partea cea mai grea.

    S-au mai domolit asteptarile pentru ca-i cam imposibil sa pastreze acelasi nivel de calitate si actiune si sa-l replice pe parcursul a altor 15-20+ ore. De grafica nu mai zic - mai e si UE4 deci ce au ei acolo va arata implicit mai rau la lansare si momentan merge pe ceva server, in niciun caz PC "normal".

    But hey - one can only hope

  10. #10 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Arata bine rau, mi-a atras atentie animatia de la 10:22. Pretty epic.

  11. #11 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Pentru cine e interesat de cartea scrisā în 1590 care stā la baza jocului.

    Ediţia în limba românā apārutā în 1971 e varianta prescurtata, iar cea din 2008 e completā, cuprinde cele peste o suta de capitole. Linkurile sunt doar informative. Ediţia completā are un preţ exorbitant. Asta dacā reuseste careva s-o mai gāseascā pe la vreun anticariat.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    What the... cum sa ma trezesc dimineata si sa vad asa ceva.
    Ma uit a 2-a oara, acum pe TV. Arata senzational, imi pun hype-ul in cutie momentan pentru ca arata prea bine ca sa fie adevarat la lansare.

    Jesus cum se scutura ala de foc la min 9.48 si ii iese fum din blana dupa...

    LE: Stai ca am dat edit repede ca s-a aprins in mine ceva ce era deja latent.
    Asta ma asteptam sa imi arate nenorocitii astia si unii si altii pe noile lor console, nu exceluri cu HDD-uri si desene animate.
    Sa vina Spencer sa zica uite ba Xandere, asta face consola noastra cu 15 mii de teraflopi. Umezeala era deja garantata.
    Nu are importanta ca povestea este despre o maimuta care bate covoare, consolele noastre pot sa faca asa ceva dpdv tehnic.

  13. #13 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Da, consolele normal ca-s capabile. Dar corporatiile multimilionare o sa ne puna la infinit discul stricat cu «pandemia care i-a prins cu chilotii-n vine», si ca n-au avut timp sau chef sa creeze si sa arate ceva care sa impresioneze cu adevarat.

    Si eu sunt putin reticent, nu stiu de ce. Plus ca jocul in variata pesimist-realista va aparea undeva prin 2023.

  14. #14 SP
    Banned Phil Spencer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander Ro View Post
    What the... cum sa ma trezesc dimineata si sa vad asa ceva.
    Ma uit a 2-a oara, acum pe TV. Arata senzational, imi pun hype-ul in cutie momentan pentru ca arata prea bine ca sa fie adevarat la lansare.

    Jesus cum se scutura ala de foc la min 9.48 si ii iese fum din blana dupa...

    LE: Stai ca am dat edit repede ca s-a aprins in mine ceva ce era deja latent.
    Asta ma asteptam sa imi arate nenorocitii astia si unii si altii pe noile lor console, nu exceluri cu HDD-uri si desene animate.
    Sa vina Spencer sa zica uite ba Xandere, asta face consola noastra cu 15 mii de teraflopi. Umezeala era deja garantata.
    Nu are importanta ca povestea este despre o maimuta care bate covoare, consolele noastre pot sa faca asa ceva dpdv tehnic.
    Ba Xandere, am văzut cât de pătimaș ești. Deocamdată in primii doi ani nu o sa vezi mare lucru. Am încercat cu Halo si uite ce a ieșit.

    Iți promit un lucru, anul viitor o sa venim cu Xbox Live in România, știu cât de mult îți dorești și ca ești cel mai mare fan al nostru din România.

    Cu drag, Phil

    PS: Scuzați repetiția, România, încerc sa nu uit din nou țara pentru Xbox Live

  15. #15 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Mor )), Phill, de Fable ce se mai aude?

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar

  17. #17 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Top KEK 5/7 would laugh again

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    FTW, nu doar că arată bine dar si gameplay'ul e monstruos de fain!! In afară de God of War pe generația actuala nu am mai jucat un hack and slash bun, dacă le mai pot numii așa. Devil May Cry 5 l-am scăpat dar trebuie sa pun mâna pe el până apare PS5, BTW a fost bun?

    Dupa capul meu jocul ar fi destul de avansat cu productia, adică la sfsrsitul acelui gameplay de 13 minute au arătat scene din diferite locații diferite deci există deja ceva construit. Vină cand a venii numa sa arate tot asa de bine si sa fie bun!

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Mie nu mi-a placut Devil May Cry 5, desi am fost mare fan al seriei. Combatul mi s-a parut mult mai rigid decat in remake, in principal pentru ca niciun personaj nu are destula mobilitate si crowd control. Daca in DMC simteam nevoia sa folosesc atacuri si arme diferite pentru ca diversitatea inamicilor cerea asta, in 5 am avut impresia ca cea mai buna strategie era sa spamezi aceleasi 2-3 atacuri la nesfarsit. Diversitate in combat era creata doar artificial, prin sistemul de style points.

  20. #20 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Acum vreo săptămână tocmai ce-am rejucat Castlevania Lords of Shadow. Pur și simplu superb. Un hack-and-slash de senzație. Genul a cam murit din păcate. Seria DMC mi s-a părut întotdeauna o ciorbă fără gust. Nu știu, parcă îi lipsește ceva., o fi de vină abordarea artistică care pare exagerat de infantilă.

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